Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Delayed Reaction

Yesterday, you know that point in time past, and not the Beatles tune(well actually the tune is quite interesting too) was an interesting day. It began with the receipt of new music as I mentioned earlier and was an erratic affair of fussing around the house and playing guitar. I did manage a solid 3 hour guitar session in the afternoon that was interrupted by John returning home from work and the realization that our couch had reached the unacceptably corroded phase. We went out and purchased a new one that will join our household sometime on Saturday. I think I'm going to enjoy relaxing on a sofa that doesn't have a cracked frame, collapsed cushioning and general deterioration from 15 years of wear and tear. Since the living-room is my practice zone I will get a lot of use out of this new couch. The drive to the store took longer than the choice of the new piece of furniture. So this ended up being an expensive day because, I also sporadically ordered a couple of Peter Lang CD's. Actually the ordering part was a gut reaction but the discs are on my Richard Gilewitz's Required Listening Library List. I ended up staying awake all day and stuck myself in bed at the "early for me in the summertime" hour of 1:00am.
Today, I ended up arising at 6:30 am this morning. Grrrr, another measly 5.5 hour nap. No sense fighting it although. Later on I was pleasantly greeted by two more Walbert arrangements, Julia(Beatles) and Air on a G string(Bach). I have this feeling I am queuing up the next 10 years of repertoire development. By noon the Peter Lang CD's arrived, gotta love In fact, The Thing at the Nursery Room Window is providing musical background as I compose this installment.
I did manage more time with Prelude 1 today. I'm still focusing on the first 2 pages, just not comfortable with the phrasings yet. It seems every new piece of music challenges my brain to coax my fingers to properly react to new picking and fretting combinations. I guess this is one of those blatantly obvious observations. It is my hope, that as I go through this learning process, it will be easier to make the connections. More specifically, I am still working at internalizing Nocturne and I spent some time with Maison Blanche, Accordion Bells and Study in Bm.
Now here's a hilarious irony. Prior to leaving for Miami, I purchased additional and specific insurance for my guitar. I received a letter today saying that the company is rejecting my application for the insurance because they do not insure instruments used by "professional musicians". I think I will need to phone them up and let them know that PROFESSIONAL musicians are paid "hundreds of dollars a year" for their services and "travel all over the world and Alabama" to perform. Whereas, Yvonne Desrosiers has actually traveled to Alabama and even Florida and Ohio to play guitar, she pays for the privilege and therefore doesn't qualify as a professional. I think Richard will vouch for my lack of professionalism. :) I can see a difference, I hope they can too.
Sometime around 1:30 pm, I just could not resist taking a nap, a delayed reaction from my sleep deprivation. Well that has refreshed me enough to manage being alert during today's Fire Arts workshop and coherent enough to put some words together into readable sentences. You gotta love spell checker although. Excuse me.....I hear something.... Yes my guitar is calling my name, apparently it gets lonely and cranky if ignored for about four hours. I'm going to get in some more playing before my next "nap".

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