Friday, August 13, 2010

Back To Work

Summer Break is officially over and now my guitar playing has to take second fiddle to my career as a high school art teacher.  I am pretty excited to meet my new batch of students who shall come bouncing through the classroom door bright and early on Monday morning.  I expect to put out an announcement for NP UNplugged the high school acoustic music club that I started.  We will continue the tradition of meeting on Wednesdays after school for an hour.

My big challenge is developing a solid guitar practice routine now that I have lost flexibility with my time.  I can no longer stay up until 2:30 am reviewing tunes or practicing technique. There are new pieces of music that I am anxious to learn including some Beatles arrangements by David Walbert.  I also want to continue improving upon the tunes I currently have memorized.  I have decided that they are like my kids.  I must make sure they are given ample attention and care otherwise they are likely to simply wither away, become weak and eventually die off.  Unfortunately, there are a few tunes that I nearly had memorized and lost track of because my attention was diverted to other pieces.  There are two in particular that I feel guilty about never really conquering.  Minuet For The Backroads and Greensleeves are nagging at me to be revived.  There's a goal for this weekend along with masses of other responsibilities.

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