Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Desperate Conclusion to Spring Break

I think we all agree that humans are affected by the weather.  Today, the  Sunday before returning to school after Spring Break, was an absolutely gorgeous day.  It was Summer today, 83 degrees at one point and sunshine all day long.  Who could feel lousy on a day like today?  Well I know that is possible but for me the weather today was a major boost to my mood.  I admit that I was pretty useless and sluggish the past week.  Just couldn't muster much excitement about much of anything.  Until today, the best two days of the Week of Freedom were shared with my grandsons.  I had a great time taking them to see "Hop" and "Diary of a Wimpy Kid".  I also admit having an excellent time picking on my eldest grandson Austin.  The boys seemed have a great time too.  Skyler got out of the car twice to hug me goodbye when step-dad picked them up.  Sure made me feel loved.  John and I went to see "Hanna" yesterday and we decided it was a pretty good flick.  Wide open for sequel.  Since John had to work all this week that was our one "fun" activity, that and getting our tax return prepared(can you sense the fonts oozing sarcasm). 

Today I managed to actually finish up some work on my computer.  I had replaced the hard drive over a month ago and because I lacked screws to mount the drive my computer case was left wide open with its guts exposed.  I also purchased a new DVD/CD/BluRay drive because my current one is mechanically starting to fail.  So I installed the new one today and installed the software that accompanies it.  Seems like that job went smoothly.  I took things a step further because I dug out the Edirol audio interface and installed that as well.  This gives me the capability to plug in a guitar and record directly to my computer.  I have been using Acoustica's Mixcraft software.  I must admit it was a pain the A$$ to tweak the settings to get it play nicely with the Edirol.  Eventually I was successful and that led into spending about 4 hours recording a few tunes.  It was excellent practice and a good way to evaluate my playing.  Now I have a about five tunes recorded and added to my iTunes library.  Funnily, iTunes gave me the option to put my name down as artist and to create an album title.  Since some of what I recorded was noodling and improvisation I decided a fitting album title is "Don't Expect Me to Play That Again". 

Oops it's 11pm, must go to bed. 

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